125. Abigail JOHNSTON
From Ruby Wallace in her handwritten "Childhood Memories"
Grandma was a very, very religious woman - a "Died in the wool Baptist" who believed that if you didn't belong to the BAPTIST CHURCH you were going to hell for sure. I can see her yet - dressed in her black "Sunday dress" made of silk tafeta with a high neck band, floor length and long sleeves and belt at the waist into which was tucked her little gold watch on a long golden chain around her neck. With her little balck hat abd purse she looked very dignified and elegant as she marched down the aisle in church!
From Ruby Wallace in her handwritten "Childhood Memories"
Grandpa was a barber and had a shop on Main Street. We kids loved to go to his barber shop. He had a rack of picture postcards and he would give us a card. Grandpa always had peppermint candy in his pocket - when he came home from work he would say "Guess what I have in my pocket?" Of course we knew what it was. We called it "Grandpa Candy" and that is what it still is to me!
127. Malinda Ann TURNER