Ancestors of Hannah Mae Anderson

Fifteenth Generation


32056. Christopher Avery.Christopher married Margery Stephens.

32057. Margery Stephens.


32058. Thomas Greenslade.


32060. William Minor.


32062. Walter Palmer.Walter married Esther. [Parents]


32063. Esther.


32256. Sir Thomas Johnston of Craig died in 1656. He married Mary Irvine. [Parents]


32257. Mary Irvine.


32260. John Cooper.John married Anne Ashley. [Parents]

32261. Anne Ashley. [Parents]


32262. Andrew Massie.Andrew married Mary Walker.

32263. Mary Walker. [Parents]


32512. Humphrey Turner.Humphrey married Lydia Gamer.

32513. Lydia Gamer.


32514. Thomas Hyland.


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